Caritas Nepal’s policies applies to the entire organization including Head Office of CN in Kathmandu and in all its Regional Offices, District Offices and Project/Programme or Field Offices and any other entity under the management and operation of CN (presently existing or to be established in future) which clearly implies that it is applicable to all staff (including temporary or part-time), volunteers, members and board members. This policy also extends to the associates of CN who are or will be involved in our operations or shall represent us or act on our behalf.
Caritas Nepal will periodically review all policies as required. The Executive Committee will have the authority to revise this policy with approval from the General Assembly.
All policies will be implemented in conjunction with other policies and guidelines, facilitating the implementation of this policy, presently in existence or to be enacted in future. Henceforth, policies shall be read in conjugation with all relevant documents.
Listed below are policies presently (but not limited to):
1. Code of Conduct (2020)
2. Anti-Corruption Policy (2019)
3. Finance Policy Manual (2016), Updated (2021) – Referred to as ‘Caritas Nepal Finance Policy’
4. Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures (2020)
5. Social Protection and Safeguarding Policy (2020)
6. Programme Management Guidelines (2021)
7. Environment and DRR Policy (2020)
8. Information and Technology Policy (2021)
9. Communication Policy (2021)
10. Risk Management Policy (2021)
11. Organizational Sustainability Policy (2021)