Mobile repair shop opened in Bara district

  • Dipendra Lamsal
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After three months of mobile phone repair training, Dukhiram Mahara Chamaar has now opened his own shop in the village of Bharwalyia in the Bara district.

On March 31, 2019, the Bara district was struck by a devastating tornado that left many people injured and many others homeless. For this reason, Caritas has been implementing its project to restore and improve the livelihood of people affected by the storm since June 2019. Since the harvests and fields of Dukhiram were also destroyed, he was happy about the opportunity to take part in a training course that dealt with the repair of mobile phones. After this three-month training, Dukhiram also received a fund of 20,000 rupees to set up his own repair shop, which has been open since mid-February.

Previously, Dukhiram only knew how to fix TVs, but had long dreamed of expanding his knowledge to other devices. Televisions, he claims, are less used these days. As more and more people use mobile phones primarily for entertainment, it is important to follow this trend as a technician. He sees many professional opportunities in this area and is pleased to have opened his business.

“I want to guarantee that the support Caritas has given me will be used to its full potential!”

Dukhiram faced previously challenges feeding his family as television repair and agriculture did not generate enough income. He also had no money to invest in training or a business, so he is very grateful for the support he received. He sees a bright future ahead as he expects to make 400 to 500 rupees a day. With this money he also wants to further improve his business in the future.

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