Understanding On Local Disaster And Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP) Helped Women Minimize Their Workload

  • Caritas Nepal
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Areas around Ward 3 of Gaindakot Municipality represents Chure range of Nepal and are rich in biodiversity, fragile in nature and have high Disaster and Climate change impact.

Along with it, the communities are significantly facing disaster effect on water sources which has led dry in water source, damage of water and irrigation infrastructures and system.

And this has resulted burden especially in women and children to travel distance for collecting water from alternative sources. Some cases of ward 3 communities are shared below:

Dhangadi Drinking Water and Irrigation User Group Now Prepared for Local Disaster and Climate Resilience

The group member shares “heavy rainfall in 2019, damaged the traditional canal that was used for both drinking water and irrigation purposes”.

Before they used to receive water in a community tap once in a day. Among the group member, Shree Kumari B.K shares that

“After the damage, every individual including child from the house had to travel around 1 hour to collect water from the Chapkhola (water source)”.

The group member shares “If we were not a part of local DRR planning team then we could not never get rid of our water problem. It’s been four months we do not have to travel to collect water and wash clothes”.

Premkhani Drinking Water And Irrigation User Group

Ms. Dil Kumari Thada, a treasurer of the group. (PC:CN)
Ms. Dil Kumari Thada, a treasurer of the group. (PC: CN)

Ms. Dil Kumari Thada, a treasurer of the group shares “Women of Dumre Dadha daily travel 30-45 minutes to collect water from the source”. The community do not have resources to uplift water from the source to their community.

And also, they hardly could manage clean drinking water in monsoon due to debris. She shares “Collecting water in dry season even gets more longer due to long queue because of less water flow and no reservoir tank”.

The women of Dumre Dadha had a reservoir construction and uplifting of water from the source as top priority in the local disaster risk reduction plan.

Members Of Premkhani Drinking Water And Irrigation User Group (PC: CN)
Members Of Premkhani Drinking Water And Irrigation User Group (PC: CN)

One of the major intervention of Urban DRR project in Result 1 was to strengthen local DRM system in a participatory manner.

In this context, 51 percent of vulnerable and women group was engaged in risk and capacity assessment and in planning disaster risk reduction activities.

The project also aimed to identify the disaster risk in women and activity to implement for decreasing their identified risk.

And as a sustainability plan, the Urban DRR project also facilitated to establish maintenance cost by collecting NRP 100 monthly from each benefitted households in each user group committee.

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