Botanical pesticides are environmentally friendly and is a very good alternative to the chemical pesticides. Generally, farmers use botanical pesticides as repellent to insects and pest in the crop field which reduces the input cost of the farmers. Fermented botanical pesticides, commonly known as alcoholic botanical pesticide is one of the alternative to conventional botanical pesticides.
Alcoholic botanical pesticide is prepared using locally available botanicals residues, cattle urine and yeast. Botanicals residues such as leaves of different plants and shrubs are cut into pieces and kept in a plastic black drum for 20-25 days to ferment. After that only the liquid portion is collected and distilled. Extract is used to spray in homestead and vegetable garden. Generally, farmers are using distilled extract (liquid) in the ratio of 1-liter extract: 16 liter of water. But this ratio may vary according to the concentration of the extract.
This technology is adopted by farmers of Bardiya. According to the farmers, this technology seems to be effective for sap sucking insects in cucurbits and tomatoes.